
Of Exercise Physiology

What is Exercise Physiology?

The comprehensive delivery of treatment services concerned with the analysis, improvement, and maintenance of the physiological mechanisms underlying physical and mental health and fitness through regular exercise, the prevention and/or treatment of chronic diseases and/or disabilities with exercise medicine, and the professional guidance of athletes and others interested in athletics and sports training.

Who is an Exercise Physiologist?

Exercise Physiologist is a healthcare professional who either has an academic degree in exercise physiology or who is certified by ASEP to practice exercise physiology [via the Exercise Physiologist Certified exam (EPC)] and, therefore, is recognized as an ASEP Board Certified Exercise Physiologist, or who has a doctorate degree in exercise physiology from an accredited college or university.

The Exercise Physiologist's Practice

Establishing and implementing standards of practice are major functions of a professional organization. The purpose of the standards is to describe the responsibilities for which exercise physiologists are accountable. The Exercise Physiology Practice involves four areas: promoting health and wellness; preventing illness and disability; restoring health; and helping athletes reach their potential in sports training and performance.

Professional Distinction

ASEP is important for many reasons, but one in particular is to promote the professional development of exercise physiology. Implicit within the ASEP web pages is the notion that exercise physiology is a healthcare profession. The bulk of the epidemiological evidence and the scientific papers by exercise physiologists support the health benefits of regular exercise (i.e., exercise medicine). Moreover, it is clear that an active lifestyle protects from many chronic diseases and disabilities. Now, with the ASEP Board Certification as the gold standard for exercise physiologists, the supervision, safety, and care of clients and patients are increasingly evident throughout the public sector.