The People

Statement of Professionalism

As members of the American Society of Exercise Physiologists, we belong to a profession devoted to serving both the interests of our clients and the public good. In our roles as healthcare professionals, as teachers, as counselors, and as researchers, we aspire to a professional standard of conduct. With adherence to a professional standard of conduct, we earn a reputation for honor, respect, and trustworthiness among our clients, in the healthcare community, and with the public.

ASEP's Preference...

The Society prefers that a prospective member be a graduate of a qualified college academic degree in exercise physiology. However, provision for a non-exercise physiologist membership does exists, and is found in the affiliate member category. An academic exercise physiologist not from the United States can qualify as an international member. Affiliate, international, emeritus, sustaining, honorary, and student members enjoy all the benefits of membership except holding office.

All members have the opportunity to influence the direction of ASEP through their participation in the national meeting, and by communication with their regional society representatives. For example, given an ASEP member's interest in a particular facet of exercise physiology, direct communication with the regional representative, through the respective committee chair, may result in a recommendation to the President for the member to be appointed either to a committee or to chair a new committee. Should you need help, contact the ASEP National Office by email (

Membership Categories

Professional Membership is for a person with an academic degree in exercise physiology or a related degree (such as exercise science, kinesiology, human performance, and so on).

Certified Professional Membership is open only to professional members who have passed the ASEP National Certification Exam.

Affiliate Membership is a non-exercise physiologist (such as an athletic trainer, physical therapist, nurse, physical educator, and so on) who is working in the health, fitness, physical and/or cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, or sports medicine.

International Membership is for an academically prepared exercise physiologist or an individual who is working professionally in an exercise physiology related profession in a country other than the United States.

Emeritus Membership is for an active member in good standing for at least 15 years who retired from regular employment. Emeritus members retain all privileges of membership except eligibility to hold office.

Honorary Membership is for an individual who is not an ASEP member, but otherwise has attained eminence through scientific and/or public-service contributions to the conceptual framework of exercise physiology.

Student Membership is reserved for students actively engaged in an academically approved exercise physiology (science) program of study in the United States and worldwide.

Sustaining Membership is aimed at encouraging affiliation by commercial organizations that market products used by the exercise physiology research community, or companies that otherwise engage in activities that fall within the Society's general interests. Each member is entitled to discounted advertising rates in selected ASEP publications and reduced exhibit booth rental fees at the National Meeting.