EPC Questions

If you have questions about the EPC board certification exam or what it means to be a board certified Exercise Physiologist, please email them to epc@asep.org and an ASEP representative will respond, usually within 24 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I submit my transcripts? 

On the TRANSCRIPT SUBMISSION page, fill in your name, email and then click the "choose file" button...this will allow you to select your transcript file from your computer to upload. When you have selected the correct file, then click submit at the bottom of the page. 


One must be logged in as an ASEP member to submit transcripts and challenge the EPC exam. The TRANSCRIPT SUBMISSION page will be in the menu of pages under the EPC ONLINE tab for all site visitors logged in as members.

Where do I pay for the test?

The EPC EXAM page is where you will submit your payment and start the exam.  This page will only become visible to logged in members who have received their transcript approval notification. 

How long does the test take?

The EPC exam is 200 questions and the candidate is given 4 hours to complete the test. Each candidate's completion time will differ and candidates should be prepared to spend all 4 hours in case that is what it takes.

Where can I get study materials?

The "Introduction to Exercise Physiology" text is endorsed by ASEP as the preferred study guide for those interested in challenging the EPC board certification exam. Find more suggestions on the EPC PREPARATION  and EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENT pages.

What happens if I fail the test?

You will receive your score immediately when you finish the exam and an email will also be sent to your email address on file.  If you pass, you will receive your EPC Certificate as an attachment to that email.  If you fail, the email will only present that fact with your score. You may test again at anytime, so it would be advisable to review the content areas in your study materials and when you are ready, challenge the exam again.