Education Requirements

Educational Requirements

To be eligible to sit for the Exercise Physiologist Certified (EPC) examination, candidates must submit their transcripts for evaluation by ASEP.  The following are the criteria that will be used to approve or decline eligibility:

1. An academic degree with a major in exercise physiology, or

2. An academic degree with a major in exercise science, kinesiology, sport science, human performance, or a related degree, and

3. A passing grade of "C" or better in "seven" of the following nine academic courses (listed on an official college transcript):

a. Exercise physiology (including but not limited to titles: physiology of exercise and sport; advanced exercise physiology; cardiovascular physiology; and physiology of exercise);

b. Fitness assessment and prescription (including but not limited to titles: health and fitness testing; cardiopulmonary rehabilitation; exercise prescription; exercise testing; exercise electrocardiography);

c. Exercise metabolism (including but not limited to titles: exercise biochemistry and exercise regulation and metabolism);

d. Kinesiology (including but not limited to titles: anatomical kinesiology; applied anatomy; neuromuscular kinesiology; and advanced kinesiology);

e. Research design (including but not limited to titles: research; research design; test and measurements; and statistics);

f. Biomechanics (including but not limited to titles: biomechanics; and mechanical kinesiology);

g. Environmental physiology (including but not limited to titles: environmental exercise physiology; applied exercise physiology; and altitude training); and

h. Nutrition (including but not limited to titles: sports nutrition and ergogenic aids; and exercise nutrition); and

i. Exercise and special populations (including but not limited to titles: aging and exercise; pediatric exercise; and disabled and exercise).

4. Current ASEP membership.

NOTE: ASEP understands the splintered nature of the curricula in academic programs.  Students of an ASEP Accredited Exercise Physiology Program have the appropriate coursework to sit for the board exam.  Candidates missing certain courses listed above are directed to the “Introduction to Exercise Physiology” as a study text to better prepare for the EPC exam.