Journal of 
Exercise Physiologyonline

ISSN 1097-9751

An International Electronic
Journal for Exercise Physiologists

Vol 1 No 2 July 1998

Endocrinology and Immune Function
Effects of voluntary running wheel exercise on the growth and metastasis of transplanted prostate cancer in rates


West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, Departments of Exercise Physiology, Medicine and Urology, School of Medicine, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

Bryner, R., Riggs, D., Donley, D., White, J., Ullrich, I., Lamm, D., Yeater, R. Effects of voluntary running wheel exercise on the growth and metastasis of transplanted prostate cancer in rates. JEPonline. Vol. 1 No. 2, July, 1998. Regular physical activity has been associated with a decreased incidence of certain cancers. Some, animal studies have found that exercise training enhances resistance to experimentally induced tumor growth, but prostate cancer has received little attention. This study examined the effects of voluntary wheel running on the growth and metastasis of transplanted prostate cancer in rats. Animals were randomly assigned to running wheel (RW: n = 19) or control (C: n = 18) groups. The RW animals had free access to the running wheels throughout the study except for week 12. Animals were given a maximal treadmill test before training and during week 12 (baseline). Forty-eight hours after the treadmill test, all animals were inoculated with 1 x 106 transplantable rat prostate cancer subcutaneously (day = 0). Tumor incidence and volume were determined biweekly until sacrifice at day 52. Weight and peak VO2 did not differ between groups before training. Weight tended to be greater (p =. 029) for C vs RW (C: 417.1 ± 51.5 vs. RW: 377.2 ± 36.1 grams) and peak VO2 greater (p < 0.01) for RW vs C (RW: 67.0 ± 4.8 vs. C: 56.4 ± 3.3 ml/kg/min) at week 12. Mean tumor volume across all measurements was lower (p <0.01) in RW vs C (6668.2 ± 5678.0 vs 7942.0 ± 7020.7 mm3). Number of lung metastatic lesions did not differ between groups (RW: 214.5 ± 120.6 vs C: 181.6 ± 137.7). Tumor volume correlated negatively (p = .05) with the 12-week max treadmill time. In conclusion, voluntary wheel running produced a significant improvement in the cardiorespiratory fitness of rats and was associated with a significant reduction in prostate tumor volume. However, exercise had no effect on lung metastases. 

There is a limited amount of epidemiological data that would suggest an inverse relationship between physical activity and the risk of colon cancer, (1) breast cancer, (2) and lung cancer (3). A number of studies (4,5) have shown that higher levels of physical activity were associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer while others evidence has suggested no association,6 or even an increased risk of prostate cancer (7). Oliveria and others (8) reported that higher cardiorespiratory fitness levels were inversely associated with the probability of development of incident prostate cancer. However, the majority of epidemiological evidence is far from conclusive regarding the effect of exercise training on prostate cancer development.

Some studies utilizing laboratory rodents have reported that exercise can have a protective effect on the induction of chemically induced cancers (9,10), especially mammary tumors (11). However, other investigators (12) using treadmill exercise have found no beneficial effect of exercise on tumor incidence or progression. Hoffman-Goetz et al. (13), found no significant difference in lung metastases of CIRAS 3 tumor in C3H mice who underwent moderate exercise training for four weeks prior to and four weeks after tumor inoculation. The conflicting data that exists has drawn some investigators to criticize the use of forced exercise because of the potential stress that it places on the animals. Enhanced stress may alter the animals' immune system and subsequent immune mediated response to cancer. On the other hand, running which is voluntary may not have such an adverse effect. For this reason, protocols which allow rodents free access to running wheels may be more appropriate to study the effects of exercise training on cancer incidence and progression.

Treadmill protocols used in most experimental designs may be insufficient to produce desired cardiovascular or immunological changes. Investigators cite observations that rodents naturally run in multiple short intervals as opposed to the typical 15 to 60 minutes used in most treadmill exercise studies. It has been reported from videotape analysis that mice, given free access to running wheels, will typically run for 20-30 seconds, exit from the wheel, and then return a minute or two later (14). Analyses of 24-hr running wheel distances have reported ranges from approximately 1.5 to 13 km daily with the mean usually between 5 to 10 km (14,15,16). This represents a much greater exercise load than is typically used in most treadmill training studies. Recent data collected in our laboratory showed that running 20 m/min either 15 min/day three days/ week for six weeks (17) or 30 min/day five days/week for eight weeks (unpublished data) did not result in a significant increase in maximum VO2 in rats. On the other hand, studies which have allowed rodents free access to running wheels have reported significant increases in lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells (14), significantly increased fraction of OX52+/CD5- natural killer cell activity (15), and even a significantly reduced growth of human breast carcinomas (16) when compared to sedentary animals. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of voluntary exercise on the development, growth and metastasis of a transplanted prostate cancer.

Thirty-eight male Lobund-Wistar rats were randomized into two groups; Running Wheel exercise (RW: 19 rats) and Control (C: 18 rats). Animals were housed two per cage for a short acclimatization period on a 12 hour reversed light/dark cycle, with an ambient temperature of approximately 210C. Running Wheel rats were then separated into individual cages and had free access to a running wheel. All animals were given free access to both food and water throughout the study. Mean weight for both groups at the start of the study can be found in table 1. The maximum VO2 of all animals was determined prior to running wheel access (baseline) and during week 12 of the study.

Exercise Training
The RW rats were given continuous access to the running wheel for 11 weeks. At the end of week 11, doors to the wheels were closed for one week (week 12). It was during this time that the second maximum VO2 test and tumor inoculation took place. During weeks 13-19, doors to the running wheels were again opened for the RW group. Each wheel was fitted with a counter which was checked daily that continuously recorded revolutions.

Maximum Exercise Test
Rats in both RW and C were given an incremental maximal treadmill exercise test at baseline and at week 12 to determine peak oxygen consumption. Exercise tests were conducted on a motor driven treadmill entirely enclosed in an environmental chamber. Animals began walking at 10 m/min, zero percent elevation for three minutes at which time the treadmill speed was increased to 15 m/min for three minutes followed by 20 m/min for the remainder of the test. The treadmill elevation was raised two percent every three minutes until the rats refused to walk even with electrical stimulation. Oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production and RER were monitored continuously with the aid of an Oxymax metabolic treadmill system (Columbus Instruments International Corporation, Columbus Ohio). The average of the final minute was calculated and recorded to represent maximal values. Total time to fatigue was also recorded. All exercise test values can be found table 1.

Tumor Model
Model: The prostate adenocarcinoma (PA III) tumor arose spontaneously from aged Lobund-Wistar rats (18). This tumor model is morphologically and biologically similar to aggressive hormone-independent human adenocarcinoma of the prostate. This tumor model has both a high incidence of tumor occurrence (100%) and metastasis (98%) with a latency period of approximately one month. The PAIII prostate cancer model has been shown to metastasize from the primary tumor site to lung tissue. In the present experiment, the tumor was enzymatically dissociated and then transplanted as a single cell suspension (106 cells/recipient) under the skin of the right flank at least forty-eight hours after maximum exercise tests during week 12.

Tumor Measurements
Primary subcutaneous tumor incidence was evaluated by inspection and palpation. Tumor dimensions (length and width) were measured twice a week with a Vernier caliper until the time of sacrifice at day 52. Tumor volume was calculated using the formula V = 0.4(L.W2). The same individual with several years of experience with this type of procedure performed all measurements.

Determination Of Tumor Metastasis
At day 52, all animals were sacrificed and the lung tissue was collected and fixed in Bouin's fluid which stained metastasis a bright yellow. The lungs were then rinsed with 70% alcohol and tumor metastasis counted by visual inspection.

Determination of Adrenal Gland Weights
One adrenal gland was removed from a subset of animals in each group and served as a measure of induced stress as indicated by adrenal hypertrophy. The adrenal glands were removed, trimmed of excess fat and connective tissue, blotted dry and wet weighed.

Statistical Analysis
Differences between groups in baseline and week 12 test values were determined using a two-way ANOVA. An independent t-test was used to isolate any significant difference. Within group differences in exercise test values were determined using a paired t-test. The standard alpha level of 0.05 was divided by two (p<0.025) and selected as the criteria for statistical significance for all analyses using a t-tests. Fisher exact analysis was used to determine differences in tumor incidence. All correlation analyses were performed using the Pearson's Product Moment Correlation. A probability level of 0.05 was selected as the criterion for statistical significance for all other analyses.

Body weight of the RW and C rats can be found in table 1. There was no significant difference in the initial body weights between groups. During the initial 12 weeks, body weight increased significantly ((p<0.01) in both RW and C but weight was greater for C than for RW (p = 0.029) at week 12. Peak VO2 and time to exhaustion during the maximum treadmill test which were determined immediately before (pre) and after the initial 12 week training period (post) can also be found in table 1. Peak VO2 was not different between groups before training but was significantly greater (p<0.01) in RW versus C at week 12. There was an increase which approached significance (p = 0.03) in the maximum VO2 pre to post in RW (63.0 ± 4.8 to 67.0 ± 4.8 ml/kg/min) while C experienced a significant (p<0.01) decrease (63.4 ± 5.4 to 56.4 ± 3.3 ml/kg/min). The average daily meters run correlated significantly (p<0.01) with the 12-week peak VO2. Treadmill test time to fatigue increased significantly (p<0.01) in RW (18.5 ± 4.0 min to 24.6 ± 1.3 min.), but did not change in C (14.0 ± 4.5 min. to 16.6 ± 4.0 min.). Post test time was significantly (p<0.01) greater in RW when compared to C. Treadmill time to fatigue correlated positively (p<0.01) with peak VO2.

Table 1. Physiological variables determined
prior to (PRE) and immediately after (POST) the 
initial 11-weeks of running wheel exercise (mean±SD).

RW Control
Body Weight (g) 
342.4 ± 32.0 
377.2 ± 36.1*
327.6 ± 31.7 
417.1 ± 51.5*
Peak VO2 (ml/kg/min) 
63.0 ± 4.8 
67.0 ± 4.8*^
63.4 ± 5.4 
56.4 ± 3.3*
Treadmill Time To Fatigue (min) 
18.5 ± 4.0 
24.6 ± 1.3*^
14.0 ± 4.5 
16.6 ± 4.0
 RW, running wheel exercise group; Control, sedentary control group *(P<0.01), significantly different pre to post, ^(P<0.01), significant difference between groups
The number of rats displaying a palpable tumor is listed in table 2. The first day that tumors could be palpated with confidence in either group was day 16 post inoculation. There was no difference between groups in the number of rats displaying tumors at this day or any day that measurements were taken. Mean tumor volume across all time measurements was lower
( p<0.01) in RW compared with C (6668.2 ± 5678.0 vs 7942.0 ± 7020.7 mm3).

Table 2.  Number of animals
displaying palpable tumors

GROUP 16 18 25 29 38 45 52
7 11 12 18 18 18 18
11 14 16 17 18 18 18
RW, running wheel exercise group; Control, sedentary control group
Analysis of individual tumor measurements revealed a smaller although not significant (p = 0.06) tumor volume at day 38 in RW vs C (5919.0 ± 2543.4 vs 8036.4 ± 3968.4 mm3) (Figure 1). No other significant differences were observed between groups at any of the other time measurements.

Figure 1: The mean (± SD) tumor volume measurements taken from time of inoculation until sacrifice. RW = voluntary running wheel animals; C = sedentary control animals. 

The number of pulmonary metastases at the time of sacrifice was not different between groups (RW: 214 ± 120.6 vs C: 181.6 ± 137.7) . Adrenal gland weights, also collected at the time of sacrifice, were not different between groups (RW: 23.1 ± 2.8 vs C: 22.0 ± 5.0 mg).

The average meters run daily each week over the course of the 19 weeks is shown in Figure 2. Arrow indicates week of tumor inoculation. Meters run per week showed a gradual increase, peaking at week nine of training. There was an approximate 50 percent decrease during week 13 which was the first full week of training post tumor inoculation. Meters run per day increased again during week 14 and appeared to remain constant until week 18. The average meters run per day for all animals before tumor inoculation (BT) and after tumor inoculation (AT) was not different (BT: 2802.2 ± 2586.4 vs AT: 2453.6 ± 2482.6).

Tumor volume at day 38 was negatively correlated (R = -0.375; p = 0.05) with the 12-week maximal treadmill time. Tumor volume at this time did not correlate positively with the 12-week peak VO2. The average daily meters run correlated significantly (R = 0.621; p<0.01) with the 12-week peak VO2. The number of lung metastatic lesions correlated significantly (R = 0.438; p<0.05) with the 12-week peak VO2 and tended to correlate (R = 0.464; p = 0.06) with the average daily meters run. The adrenal weight also correlated significantly (R = 0.521; p<0.05) with the number of lung metastases.

Voluntary wheel running produced a significant improvement in the cardiorespiratory fitness of rats and was associated with a significant reduction in prostate tumor volume relative to sedentary C. However, exercise had no effect on lung metastases. When the tumor volumes were analyzed for each measurement period, the RW group displayed a smaller, although not significant, primary tumor mass on day 38 post inoculation compared to controls.

Epidemiological studies have indicated a potential relationship between physical activity and the incident rate of a number of site-specific cancers. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study which examined the effects of voluntary running wheel exercise in rodents on the growth of an experimentally transplanted prostate adenocarcinoma and its metastases. Animal studies have used numerous tumor models to determine the effectiveness of exercise training on cancer induction, development and growth and have found varying results. Jadeski and Hoffman-Goetz (10), reported that mice which exercised 20 m/min, 30 min/day, five times/ week for nine weeks had a significantly lower retention of radiolabelled H-ras-transformed fibroblasts (CIRAS 1) as compared to sedentary control. Chronic exercise retarded retention of intravenously injected CIRAS 3 tumor cells in the lungs of treadmill trained mice below that of the sedentary groups (9). Thompson et al. (11) reported that high intensity treadmill running five days per week was associated with a protective effect for rats who developed chemically induced mammary tumors. Only the high intensity training (70% maximal treadmill intensity) whether 20 or 40 min/day and not the low intensity (35%) afforded the animals protection. Time of tumor appearance was significantly sooner in mice which ran three days prior to and 14 days post inoculation of 2.5 x 105 mammary adenocarcinoma cells compared with a group of sedentary controls (19). The contradictory results found in the literature may be explained, in part, by the use of different experimental designs as well as an inhomogeneous response to a given exercise workload. In a previous study conducted in our laboratory the metabolic cost (i.e., oxygen consumption) of running 20 m/min was approximately 73.41 ml/kg/min with a range of 54.67 to 98.80 (SD: 13.13) (17). Clearly this indicates that some animals were exercising at a much higher intensity than others and that they were different with respect to exercise efficiency. This might elicit a greater stress response in some animals compared to others with a subsequent detrimental effect on the immune system and interferance with anticancer activity.

Animals allowed free access to running wheels for 11 weeks experienced a significant improvement in their peak VO2 and running time to fatigue. These results are similar to those reported by Lamber and Noakes (20), who reported that rats which spontaneously ran greater than 11.6 km/wk in wheels for eight weeks improved both their maximum VO2 and submaximal VO2 measures, while those running less then 11.6 km/wk still improved their running efficiency. In the present study, the average daily meters run ranged from a low of 614.4 during week one to a high of 4441.9 during week nine with an over all average of 2376.3 meters/day. Oliveria and others reported that higher cardiorespiratory fitness levels in men were inversely associated with the probability of development of incident prostate cancer after controlling for age, body mass index, and smoking habits (8). Welsch et al. (16) reported that the growth of human breast carcinomas in mice was significantly inversely correlated with the mean number of miles that each mouse ran per day. Although running wheel exercise was associated with a reduced prostate tumor volume in the present study, tumor volume did not correlate with the 12-week peak VO2 values. Tumor volume at day 38 did have a direct correlation with the 12-week maximal treadmill time to fatigue. The treadmill time to fatigue correlated directly with the peak VO2. An increase in treadmill time not only reflects an improved aerobic capacity but also an enhanced efficiency of running. This measure may better reflect the animals overall fitness.

A number of mechanisms have been postulated to explain the apparent association between exercise and the resistance to tumor growth in animals. Some of these factors include the ability of exercise to modulate dietary factors, body composition and even immune function. Eight weeks of spontaneous running wheel activity was associated with a significant increase in the cytotoxic activity of lymphokine activated killer cells in rats (14). Five weeks of voluntary running in wheels significantly increased the fraction of splenic OX52+/CD5- natural killer cells compared with sedentary controls (15). These authors reported that voluntary exercise augmented natural cytotoxicity mechanisms in vivo as measured by an increased clearance of injected 51Cr-labeled YAC-1 lymphoma cells from the lungs relative to sedentary controls. We did not assess whether immune changes occurred in the present study.

The number of pulmonary metastases was not different between RW and sedentary control animals. Lung metastases, however, were correlated positively with the 12-week peak VO2 and approached a significant correlation with the average daily meters run. An association between increased training volume and the incidence of infectious illness has been reported (21). A sustained suppression of NK cell numbers has been observed following exercise of a highly intense or prolonged (22) nature. In addition, natural killer cell activity has been reported to be suppressed following exercise of high intensity (75% of maximum VO2) but not following exercise of moderate (50%) or low (25%) intensity (23). It is believed that the reduced number of NK cells and NK cell activity following exercise may be a result of elevated plasma levels of cortisol. Administration of corticosteroids to human subjects results in a transient lymphopenia (24). Exercise of long duration is known to increase plasma cortisol levels and these levels remain elevated for some time after exercise. The rise in cortisol immediately following exercise is directly related to the magnitude of the subsequent lymphopenia (25). Animals which ran the most in this study may have experienced an elevated plasma cortisol response during and after exercise. This could have led to enhanced lung metastases in those animals which developed a tumor with metastatic properties. Adrenal weights correlated significantly with the number of lung metastatic lesions although adrenal weights did not differ between groups. Adrenal hypertrophy has been associated with extreme stress in rodents (26). It is important to point out however, that this correlation was across all animals, not just those from RW. This would indicate that the running wheel exercise was not the only potential cause of adrenal hypertrophy but that it may have simply been a general stress response to the overall tumor burden. Additionally, because we did not measure plasma cortisol, this theory is only speculation.

The type of tumor model used in an experiment can contribute to the potential outcome. The prostate adenocarcinoma tumor used in the present study arose spontaneously and was originally discovered in aged germ free Lobund Wistar rats (18). Transplanted tumor cells from this model are normally fast acting and aggressive with a latency period of approximately one month in control animals. Jadeski and Hoffman-Goetz (10), demonstrated in mice that moderate exercise conditioning can reduce tumor retention but only for tumor cells considered mildly aggressive (CIRAS 1). The same study showed no effect of exercise training for a tumor model that was aggressive (CIRAS 3). The tumor model used in the present study may have been too aggressive to accurately test the long term benefits of exercise training on prostate cancer prevention. However, voluntary running wheel exercise was associated with a reduced overall tumor volume in the present study despite the use of such an aggressive prostate adenocarcinoma, pointing to the potential importance of this association.

In conclusion, running wheel exercise for 11 weeks produced a significant increase in the peak VO2 and the treadmill time to fatigue in rats. Voluntary running for 19 weeks was associated with a significant reduction in overall tumor volume. Spontaneous wheel running did not limit the number of lung metastatic lesions. The mechanisms causing this effect as well as their clinical relevance remain to be determined. 

Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Randall W. Bryner, Ed.D., Department of Exercise Physiology, P.O. Box 6116, 274 Coliseum, Morgantown, WV 26506-6116. Phone: 304-293-7767; FAX: 304-293-4641.

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