Founded 1997

President’s Report
February 2000

As usual, there are many events underway that you need to be aware of.

Committee Representatives and Functions
If you have not received the committee letter that was mailed late last month, it should be arriving to you very soon. Remember to either re-state your current committee involvement, change to different committee(s), or commence your involvement with ASEP at the committee level.  The committee contributions of ASEP are vital to ASEP’s growth and service to all exercise physiologists, so please give this issue sincere thought.

JEPonline and PEPonline
The April 2000 issue is building into the largest issue yet.  In addition, continued submissions indicate that many exercise physiologists regard JEPonline as a suitable format for research publication.  This month I will inquire as to the procedures needed for JEPonline to be included into web-based Med-line searches, as this feature will further improve submissions and the general respect given to the journal. 

Third National Meeting
The location for the 3rd Annual National Meeting is almost final.  This task has kept me busy during February.  The location will most likely be the Marriott Hotel, as this site provides excellent facilities at a very reasonable cost.  Furthermore, based on participant feedback from last year, there are numerous restaurant and entertainment locations within walking distance.

Per-Olof Astrand has returned a black and white photograph, which I am using to develop a promotional page for his presence and honored roles at the meeting.  As I requested last month, if you have any suggestions for additional advertising of the meeting, please let me know.  Once the hotel location is final (by March 11), I will meet with my National Meeting committee, consisting of UNM faculty and students, to start formal planning and meeting promotion.

Please make plans for abstract or talk submissions to our next meeting, which is tentatively scheduled for September 28-30, 2000.  I am planning to have more “hands-on experience” sessions, consisting of workshops (body composition, scope of practice, site visit and special session on clinical exercise physiology), and have room for one or two more 30 min presentations.  I am realizing that the uniqueness of the ASEP meeting does not lie in research, but in all the professional functions and activities that no other meeting (national and regional ACSM, FASEB, ADA, NSCA, etc.) provides.  That is not to say that research dissemination is not important.  However, there is so much opportunity to have our national meeting support the skill development and maintenance of exercise physiologists, provide up-to-date information sessions based on the last year of published research, and allow for member voices to be heard on all professional issues within exercise physiology.

Take care.

Robert Robergs, Ph.D., FASEP