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  March, 2006; Vol. 10 No. 3.

 Editor: Dr. Lonnie Lowery

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BOD Editorial
ASEP 2006 Annual Meeting: A Letter

Robergs, R.

Impact of Pranayama and Yoga on Lipid Profile in Normal Healthy Volunteers. (1st on page)
Prasad, K., et al. 

The Professional Organization of Hope
Boone, T.


Ask the Professor
Have Your Question Appear Online!

with the ASEP Board of Directors

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the ASEP Board of Directors


Note: the ASEP-Newsletter will be delayed by one week in April due to the ASEP National Meeting and the Editor's travel abroad.



ASEP 2006 Annual Meeting: A  Letter
Rob Robergs, Ph.D.,  Past President, ASEP

A letter from the organizers...
The ASEP Board of Directors would like to remind you of the next national meeting of ASEP. The meeting is to be held in the newly renovated conference facilities of the Student Union Building at the University of New Mexico. The meeting is structured differently to past years with numerous "hands on" experiences on each of Thursday and Friday afternoon. Attendees will be able to choose from site visits to local cardiac rehabilitation centers, a Native American Pueblo Wellness Center, visit two of the local gym franchises, learn how to electronically integrate equipment for improved data collection and data processing, and be introduced to LabVIEW software programming.

The Key Note address is to be given by Dorian Dugmore, Ph.D., F.A.A.C.P.R., Director of Wellness International at Adidas - Manchester, England. Dorian is also the Secretary General, World Council for Cardio-Pulmonary Rehabilitation, a Board member - "Exercise Physiology, Cardiac Rehabilitation and Sports Cardiology" of the European Society of Cardiology, and Vice President of "Heart Friends Around the World". Dorian is a Fellow of the American Association for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Talk Title: From Cardiac Rehabilitation and Sports Performance to Corporate Wellness: A Journey in Preventative Medicine

For those seriously interested in learning LabVIEW programming, the meeting also backs onto the first ever LabVIEW computer programming course for exercise physiologists. The course is conceived, designed and taught by Robert Robergs Ph.D., FASEP, EPC, who has been programming with LabVIEW for almost 3 years. LabVIEW For Exercise Physiologists will provide 3 days of 8 hours/day instruction on the main features of LabVIEW programming using examples and applications common to exercise physiology. The course will cover the essential components presented in National Instrument's own courses. However, instead of paying approximately $1,500 for taking LabVIEW Basics I and II (and this is the price after large educational discounts!), attendees of this course will only pay a nominal fee of $750 or less, depending on member/attendee status (student vs. non-Ph.D. professional vs. Ph.D. professional) and registration for the ASEP conference.

Follow the link below to learn more about the location, hotels, agenda, the EPC exam, register for the conference, submit abstracts, and more!  

We hope to see you in Albuquerque, March 29-April 1, 2006.

Viva la fisiologia del ejercicio.......

Ask the Professor: Your Inside Scoop on Tough Questions

Note: Ask the Professor is intended for informational purposes only. It is not to be taken as healthcare advice. Please do not submit questions of a personal nature (e.g. fitness programs, nutrition advice solicitation, etc.) Thanks.

Q.) If exercise physiologists are poorly recognized in healthcare settings, how can I become a part of the growing "market" that is treating obesity?

A.)  This is a very, very good question. Let's start with some background regarding how valuable you are. Many scientific and professional publications suggest that exercise is critical to long term weight management and a number of these conclude that exercise treatment alone is effective! This is a growing awareness but not a new one. In 1991 an article by W. Wescott entitled "You Can Sell Exercise for Weight Loss" appeared in the journal, Fitness Management. Before this, a scientific article by Pavlou and colleagues (Am J Clin Nutr. 1989; 49(5 Suppl):1115-23) clearly illustrated  the ineffectiveness of diet alone for sustained weight loss. Even prior to this, in the mid 1980s, a researcher named R. Shephard concluded that "physical activity is one of the more useful tactics of preventive medicine; the current challenge to both research workers and policy makers is to carry this message beyond the white-collar executive to such target groups as blue-collar workers, ethnic minorities, housewives, the elderly and the handicapped." (Ciba Found Symp. 1985;110:164-82). And just last year articles by Lee, et al. (J Appl Physiol 2005; 99:1220-1225) and Hill, et al. (J Appl Physiol. 2005 Aug;99(2):765-70.) continued to substantiate the necessity of exercise in treating obesity and achieving long term weight loss.

So if researchers and policy makers have known since the mid-1980s or even earlier - and the data grow ever stronger - why aren't exercise physiologists (EPs) central to obesity treatment in healthcare settings? Because we were late to organize as a profession. Now, nurses, physical therapists and dietitians often divide the responsibilities in various ways despite the fact that they have a fraction of the EP's education regarding many exercise issues. They have licensure, however, and thus referrals stay within their recognized (licensed, insurance-reimbursable) network.

An enterprising EP could try being persistent with local physicians or hospital administrators, educating them or their patients with free lectures on the necessity of the EP in obesity prevention and treatment. He or she can easily find references like those above to back up their points. Gaining recognition as a university-trained, board-certified healthcare professional (while perhaps separating oneself from a simple personal trainer) could lead to a network that would be mutually beneficial regarding referrals (that is, EP to dietitian to physician, back to EP, etc. depending on patient needs). The presence of ASEP on the Web will help give you credibility! Include ASEP in your free talks! If you get better ideas, please submit them to or to Tommy Boone, editor of PEPonline ( Late to the scene or not, the academic and experiential requirements of the EP are not equaled by a certificate picked up quickly by a non-exercise practitioner. Good luck!         


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