


August 2007 Vol. 11 No. 8   
 Editor: Dr. Lonnie Lowery

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Editor's Corner
Where is Exercise Physiology Headed?
L. Lowery

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JEPonline      Ask the EP...
From 1999 Issue: An Excellent Article!
Physical and Psychosocial Responses to Exercise in Cancer Patients: A Two-Year Follow-Up Survey with Prostate, Leukemia, and General Carcinoma
Eric P. Durak, Paula C. Lilly, and Jennifer L. Hackworth

  This Month's Question!
What are some differences between performance and aesthetic goals?
J. Mike

PEPonline      Why join ASEP?  

The Challenges and Magic of Exercise Physiology
T. Boone

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The ASEP Board of Directors


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Thank you for being part of our community. ASEP is the specific voice for (historically under-represented) Exercise Physiologists. Please use this Newsletter as a link to ASEP resources from scientific journals to professional papers, to employment and related opportunities. And be sure to click on "More On Us" at the left for the ASEP-newsletter's parent web site!
-Lonnie Lowery, ASEP-Newsletter Editor

Editor's Corner
Lonnie Lowery, PhD, MA, MS, RD, LD
ASEPnewsletter Editor, ASEP Board of Directors
ASEP President, 2007-2008

Where is Exercise Physiology Headed? 

This month I'd like to share some thoughts about which direction I would personally like ASEP to move. As the new President of ASEP, I see a number of challenges that must be met. I sincerely hope that, in the larger timeline of our developing organization, we can make progress toward these necessities. It will take manpower (and womanpower). It will take time. It will take thought and creativity and perhaps even a little luck. Some of these challenges are common to other professional groups, some are unique to ASEP. Here are the categories of focus:

1. Membership
2. Partnership
3. Promulgation
4. Finding a niche
5. Justice

Each category of need is interrelated. Each category contains specific objectives to be further clarified and passionately addressed. Drawing upon a number of years' experience with the organization, I've seen a few issues that will affect my leadership and temper my enthusisam with pragmatism. In coming "Editor's Corners" I will be exploring each category of challenge. Please join me or even send your thoughts on a given issue to lonman7@hotmail.com

Your Inside Scoop on Tough Questions

Ask the Exercise Physiologist (EP) is intended for informational purposes only. It is
not to be taken as healthcare advice. Please do not submit questions of a personal nature (e.g., fitness programs and nutrition advice solicitation). Thanks.

QUESTION:  In general, what are some differences between performance and aesthetic goals?  

The EP Answer
by Jonathan Mike, MS, CSCS,
Answer:  You have numerous goals and desires to consider when selecting any specific exercise. Nearly all benefits of exercise can be categorized into two general areas. One area involves performance-based goals. These are goals aimed at benefits that improve the health and functioning of the body but not necessarily the appearance. The other area in which people often seek improvement involves aesthetic-based goals, which are those physiological adaptations that make a person look more muscular or fit. Since most people want to obtain some combination of both aesthetic and performance benefits, their exercise programs should include exercises that focus on each of these general goals. It is also possible that certain exercises may address both aesthetic and performance concerns concurrently.

Performance-based goals: Technically, performance-based goals involve the desire for enhancement of biomotor abilities, which are the general adaptations or benefits the body can derive from training. They are strength, endurance, stability, mobility, speed, power, and agility. Performance goals include health and wellness concerns such as the desire for general strength gains, improved cardiovascular function, increased joint motion or stability, correction of postural deviations, increased bone density, rehabilitation, or decreased pain. Performance goals may also be related to enhancing athletic abilities such as achieving more specific types of strength, running faster, jumping higher, throwing farther, or improving your golf swing. A large decrease in body fat may also be considered a performance-based goal because it is definitely a health concern. However, fat loss is often related to aesthetic goals as well.

Many performance needs are not necessarily stated goals of the individual. Most people tend to focus on their aesthetic goals and are often not as aware of their diminished levels of physical performance. A medical exam is typically suggested for assisting with determination of health concerns. However, a comprehensive fitness assessment that carefully analyzes joint function and general movement pattern performance is also beneficial for optimally determining a person's performance goals. The comprehensive fitness assessment may also include features such as a postural analysis, gait analysis, and individual joint mobility and stability testing.

Aesthetic-based goals: Aesthetic-based goals relate more to the physiological adaptations that can occur through exercise that affect a person's appearance. Typically, these goals deal primarily with the desire for gains in muscle hypertrophy or muscle size as well as decreases in body fat. However, changes in a person's posture, which would often be categorized as a performance goal, will also dramatically improve the person's appearance. Though fitness professionals today often deemphasize aesthetic goals, these goals are still a driving motivation behind many people's decisions to dedicate the time and energy to an exercise program. Therefore, you should consider and address aesthetic goals when selecting exercises and designing an exercise program.

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Opportunities Related to Exercise Physiology

Exercise Physiologist, Cardiac Rehab, PT, Days/Flex, 40 Hours Biweekly: Responsible for providing monitored exercise therapy and patient education for the Comprehensive Cardiac Rehabilitation program, both inpatient and outpatient...more information...

Hebrew SeniorLife has an opening for an Exercise Fitness Director to teach at of our independent senior housing site (Jack Satter House in Revere and the Center Communities of Brookline...more information...

Director – Consumer Experience Lab...Have connections to outside experts with the knowledge and foresight to bring the right resources together as needed. Uncover opportunities in the form of desired experiences, methods to benefit issues based on health, well-being, aging, injury, etc. that will enhance the lives of our target consumers...more information...

Performance Orthotics, a dynamic and growing company with experience in the foot orthotic industry, is looking for a part-time position in Rhode Island...more information...

PeaceHealth Lower Columbia Regionin Longview, Washington is currently seeking a full-time Sports Medicine Coordinator...more information...

The historic Minneapolis Club, located in downtown Minneapolis, MN, has a position open for an experienced fitness professional...more information...

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